Once again, Jim at Seward Street is absolutely right. The best way to stay up to date and not blow your morning jumping from webpage to webpage is to use the power of RSS to bring all the new posts to you. I know there’s a huge number of you who visit my site every day to see if there’s anything new. I appreciate the visits, but you could save yourself a whole lot of time if you’d just subscribe to the feeds you want and check them all in one fell swoop through Bloglines, NewsGator, or My Yahoo!. (And those are just some of the web-based choices.) I like Bloglines, but I also like the fact that NewsGator lets you go back and review already read posts. In Bloglines, once they’re read, they’re gone.

It may seem odd to point out something that will effectively dissuade site visits, but I’m all about ease of use and it doesn’t get much easier than RSS. This will give you more time to animate – in theory ;). Not everyone has a feed for their page (pretty-please, Animated-News? I take that back. Here’s the feed to copy.) but many do. Keep reading to see some of the feeds from this site.

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All right, with a new month, Podcast Alley has reset the votes so it’s time to give a little love back to The Animation Podcast. I’ve decided not to take time during the shows to ask you to vote, but there’s no shame in my game so you’ll be seeing this humble reminder once a month and that’s it. If you enjoy the shows, a vote is all I ask in return. Like I’ve said before, consider it a recommendation so that more people might see it in the rankings and come our way.

If you find that Podcast Alley says you’ve already voted, it may be because someone else within the same IP address as you (either at your work or in your household) has already voted. If that’s the case, thanks anyhow for trying. I appreciate it.

Click here to vote.

Here’s my page at Podcast Alley.

Some other animation podcasts have come and gone (hopefully they’ll come back again) and I’ve been waiting for someone else to show up on the scene. Hey, I need something to listen to too.

If you’re into internet based animation, Shayne at EYEeffex Media has created The Eye On Animation podcast. In his first show he interviews Flash animator Adam Phillips. Congratulations on getting it out there Shayne. I know it ain’t easy.

UPDATE: By the way, good job too!

I got an email from Rick May at the CGCHAR forums asking if I could plug their event on Wednesday the 3rd at SIGGRAPH. It’s a presentation by a very talented group of animation pros including Doug Bennett, Henry Anderson, Jason Schleifer, Andrew Gordon, and Carlos Baena.

I’d love to be able to go to this.

Here’s a flier with more details.

UPDATE: Did I mention it’s FREE?

Jul 28 2005


SIGGRAPH is returning to take over downtown L.A. next week. The Disney booth is back too and we’ll have real live animators there to demo our tools and answer questions. They’re taking reels too, so bring it on!

On Tuesday, I’ll be working the booth and driving the Maya from 10 to 12:30. Stop by and say hi if you’re in the neighborhood.

See you there,