The interwebs are bringing us all a little closer. Character Design is a great new blog by Randall, I think, that features interviews with . . . well, I’ll let you figure that part out. Go check it. Now.
6 Comments on “Character designer interviews”
Ah, you tricked me Clay! With the way you tagged me along, I thought you’d be there!
Oh, sorry Nini. It was completely unintentional. Of course you now see what I meant: the name says it all! I’ll try to avoid the trickery in the future. 😉
I hope you weren’t dissapointed….
But anyway, it’s a great resource of which I’m proud to be a part.
What’s to disappoint? Randall obviously know talent when he sees it! Good work!
Thanks so much Clay. It’s really intimidating being next to Harald Siepermann. He’s just amazing.
Say, is anyone else having problems getting to this site now ? I have it bookmarked and now when I try to visit the page it will load up and then go completely white. That sucks, I really love this blog!
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Ah, you tricked me Clay! With the way you tagged me along, I thought you’d be there!
Oh, sorry Nini. It was completely unintentional. Of course you now see what I meant: the name says it all! I’ll try to avoid the trickery in the future. 😉
I hope you weren’t dissapointed….
But anyway, it’s a great resource of which I’m proud to be a part.
What’s to disappoint? Randall obviously know talent when he sees it! Good work!
Thanks so much Clay. It’s really intimidating being next to Harald Siepermann. He’s just amazing.
Say, is anyone else having problems getting to this site now ? I have it bookmarked and now when I try to visit the page it will load up and then go completely white. That sucks, I really love this blog!