Character designer interviews

The interwebs are bringing us all a little closer. Character Design is a great new blog by Randall, I think, that features interviews with . . . well, I’ll let you figure that part out. Go check it. Now.

6 Comments on “Character designer interviews

  1. Ah, you tricked me Clay! With the way you tagged me along, I thought you’d be there!

  2. Oh, sorry Nini. It was completely unintentional. Of course you now see what I meant: the name says it all! I’ll try to avoid the trickery in the future. 😉


  3. I hope you weren’t dissapointed….
    But anyway, it’s a great resource of which I’m proud to be a part.

  4. Thanks so much Clay. It’s really intimidating being next to Harald Siepermann. He’s just amazing.

  5. Say, is anyone else having problems getting to this site now ? I have it bookmarked and now when I try to visit the page it will load up and then go completely white. That sucks, I really love this blog!