Welcome to new visitors

I’ve been getting a surge of visits today from Cartoon Brew and CG Channel, so if you’re new here, you can find a list of all the shows at this link. Just click on the titles to get to the shows.

You can also subscribe in iTunes, which is the easiest way to stay updated. There are links for that in the sidebar.

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Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy listening!


16 Comments on “Welcome to new visitors

  1. Bro, i gotta tell you, this is one of the top most inspiring sites i ever visited. Hell, i wonder how you pull off these interviews in your spare times. Yet as a beginning animator i enjoyed what i heard here and it reinforced my fire to keep on practicing till it all clicks.
    Thanks alot man!

  2. Loved the podcast. I am an IT tech in a school and starting out. I help kids make stop-frame animation movies using Frame thief with iSights. I also visit junior schools where they storyboard a particular book they are reading and animate using plasticene and mini-figures. Will check back for more inspiration!

  3. Hey Clay! I just want to start off by saying THANK YOU!
    Your podcast is very informative, interesting, and absolutely INSPIRING.

    Animation is my passion and I’ll continue to tune in!

    if you are not making any new episodes soon then i’ll just re-listen all of the old shows.

    Once again, thank you so much for doing this. I am currently an animator working on a CG tv series [Viva Pinata] coming this fall [september] to foxkids saturday morning cartoon – whenever i feel overwhelmed with deadlines or i want to just wing a scene, I’ll just turn on your podcast =) it’s like a dicsplining podcast for me

  4. Mokuu, Lesley, and Iori13 – Thank you all for your comments. With those links I mentioned in the post, I’ve had a about five thousand visitors to the site in the last week. The fact that you three took the time to comment here is heartening and I appreciate it. I’ll do my darnedest to get some new shows out soon. In the meantime, enjoy the past shows and don’t feel shy about commenting on those too.

  5. I just found my way here…not through either of those two sites though. I got here through Victor Navone’s post on his blog with the link to the Glen Keane podcast!

    I absolutely love everything I’ve seen and listened to so far on your site, and I will definitely have to check it regularly now. Thanks for putting this all together. I’ve been a fan of animation for as long as I can remember and now this fall I will actually be able to start pursuing it as a career. (starting out at community college getting an associate of fine art degree and then off to some great animation school for me) All the stuff on here is so inspiring to listen to. I’m doing my best to soak it all up, cause there is some great stuff on here.

    Thanks again, Teresa

  6. The work you’re doing is faaaaaaaaantastic! It’s like going to school all over again! Without the student loan! Got any more interviews coming??

  7. Theresa – I’m glad you found the site. Welcome and enjoy! Good luck with the schooling.

    Warren – Thaaaaaanks. I’m assuming you liked school – I hope. Yes I do have more interviews coming. They’re acutally lined up on the runways, waiting for me to edit and release them. Time is so short these days, with animating on Meet the Robinsons, and that traithlon thingy, and weekend commitments, and now I’m sick! In other words, yes, they will be out sometime. Sorry for the wait. Hopefully I’ve built up enough backlog to permit some relistening without too much boredom. Thanks for sticking in there.

  8. get well soon! I’m waitin slightly patiently for new podcasts….

  9. I’ve been a flash developer 8 years, and never knew why the default frame rate for new flash movies is 12 FPS, until I read the animation terms explanation on this site.

    Love the podcasts… this site is a great inspiration!

  10. Thanks Kristine and Paul.

    Bonnie – Welcome! So now you know that in a filmic world (24 frames per second) that would be on twos! I’m so glad I put that up there because I see a lot of visitors who find the site because the were searching for that explanation. In case anyone is wondering, it’s under the Animation Notebook section.

  11. Clay thank you for this wonderful podcast. Have all of them on CD and listen to them on way to work and back. Good luck to you and your show can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the future.

  12. Hello Clay!

    I’ve enjoyed your podcast for quite some time now, and I’ve learned a lot from it. I really appreciate the interviews that you have with your guests, knowing their path has helped me a bit with shaping my own. I was wondering if you had any advice on seeking an animation mentor, as I don’t know any professionals in the field but I would really like some guidance.

    So far everything I know about animation is what I’ve learned from books, or self-taught from experimentation. I really wish I had someone to talk to with experience who I could learn from.

    So far I’ve animated two short things. (That should give you an idea on my experience level with animation up to this point)

    The first one is higher, which I ended up writing and recording the music myself since I couldn’t get permission to use the original song I wanted. (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/higher)

    The second one I got permission to use the song ‘Twister’ by Paul & Storm. (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/twister)

    If you would happen to know where I could find a mentor, or how to go about finding one I’d be ever so greatful. Thanks a bunch!
